COVID-19 Information

The safety of your loved ones is the Reformed Presbyterian Home’s primary concern. As of this update, we have no diagnosed cases of the Coronavirus (“COVID-19”).

We will remain vigilant in our efforts to protect our residents and team members. To that end, the Reformed Presbyterian Home is closed to visitors with limited exceptions. We continue to implement procedures in accordance with guidance received from the Centers for Medicare Services (CMS), Center for Disease Control (CDC), and the Pennsylvania Department of Health.

We are asking all residents of our independent living residences (the Vista apartments and the Upper Rooms) to follow Governor Wolf’s stay-at-home order. Independent living residents are strongly encouraged to only leave the community for essential needs like medication, critical medical appointments and groceries.

We are providing recommended screenings for staff, residents and visitors at entrances to our communities. All residents and staff are reminded to practice social distancing in their daily interactions with each other. We encourage you to stay in touch with your family members via phone, text and appropriate social media. We thank you for your patience and support during this emergency.

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